Despite the fact that robots have very well proven their flexibility and efficiency in mass production and are recognized as the production resource of the future, their adoption in lower volume, diverse environment is heavily constrained. The main reason for this is the high integration and deployment complexity that overshadows the performance benefits of this technology. In order for the robots to become accepted across the different production industries, real evidence that they are able to operate in an open, modular and scalable way is required. ODIN aspires to fill this gap by introducing technology from the latest ground breaking research the fields of:
- Collaborating robots and human robot collaborative workplaces,
- Autonomous robotics and AI based task planning,
- Mobile robots and reconfigurable tooling,
- Digital Twins and Virtual Commissioning
- Service Oriented Robotics Integration and Communication Architectures.
The vision of ODIN is: “to demonstrate that novel robot-based production systems are not only technically feasible, but also efficient and sustainable for immediate introduction at the shopfloor”.
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