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ODIN – Components

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The ODIN Large Scale Pilot concept visualizes, several robotics technologies which are being integrated for the execution of a specific production task grouped in 4 main ODIN components:

  • Open Component (OC).This component is a small footprint, small scale pilot instances for the development, integration and testing of cutting-edge technologies.
  • Digital Component (DC) is a virtual instance of the selected pilots implementing an accurate Digital Twin representation that allows the commissioning, validation and control of the actual pilots.
  • Industrial Component (IC) is a full-scale instance of the pilot, integrating hardware and software modules from the Open and Digital components and operating under an actual production environment.
  • Networked Component (NC) is an integration architecture with open interfaces for the communication of all robotics hardware and control systems through safe and secure means.

ODIN Large Scale Pilot Paradigm
